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Which Inspections Should you Recommend to your Clients?

Everyone knows about the standard home inspection, but many people don't know that there are other types of home inspections available to buyers. As a realtor, it's important to help your clients understand the different types of inspections available to them. Here are a few of the most common types of specialty inspections.

Pest Inspection

A pest inspection focuses on identifying pest infestations or damage caused by pests, such as termites, rodents, and insects. A licensed inspector will examine the property, including the exterior and interior, to determine if any pests are present or if there is any damage caused by pests. Pest inspections are particularly important for homes located in areas with high pest activity.

Radon Inspection

Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. A radon inspection will test the home for elevated levels of radon and provide recommendations on how to mitigate any issues found. This inspection is particularly important for homes located in areas with high radon levels.

Mold Inspection

Mold can pose a health risk and cause damage to the home's structure. A mold inspection will identify the presence of mold and recommend steps to remediate any issues found. This inspection is particularly important for homes located in areas with high humidity levels or homes that have experienced water damage.

Tank Sweep

A tank sweep is an inspection to determine if an underground oil tank is present on the property. The inspector will use specialized equipment to scan the property for any signs of an oil tank. This inspection is particularly important for homes located in areas with a history of oil heating or homes built before the 1970s when oil tanks were commonly used.

Sewer Scope

A sewer scope inspection involves inspecting the home's sewer line using a specialized camera to identify any blockages or damage to the line. This inspection is particularly important for homes that are older and may have outdated or damaged sewer lines.

It's important to note that not all of these inspections may be necessary for every home, and it's up to the buyer to determine which inspections they need based on their specific concerns and needs. As a realtor, you can help your clients understand the importance of each inspection and recommend reputable inspectors to conduct them. By being knowledgeable about these inspections, you can help your clients make informed decisions about their home purchase and ensure that they have a safe and secure home.

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