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3 Business Planning Tips for a Successful 2023

The first month of the year is a perfect time to set goals for your real estate business. Getting clear on your goals is important because goals provide a point of reference and direction. They allow you to plan and organize your business, as well as track progress towards achieving those goals. Here are a few tips to help you with your 2023 goal setting!

Analyze your business in 2022

Look at where your sales are coming from. What were your biggest sources of leads? How much did you spend on marketing? What went right and what needs adjusting?

If you are a newer agent and you don't have a lot of data to work with, focus on finding lead sources that work for you.

Start with the end

What is your financial goal for the end of 2023? How many sales do you need to hit that goal? How many contacts do you need to get each sale? What do you need to do to get a contact? Next, break the goals down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks that will help you reach these milestones.

Create a work schedule that supports your goals

Now that you know what it takes to achieve your goals, it's important to set aside time for your goals daily and weekly. Here are some tasks you should include in your schedule:

  • Lead generation

  • Client follow-up

  • Reviewing inventory

  • Roleplaying

  • Networking

We hope that after reading this post and putting together a daily/weekly work schedule, you’ll feel more confident in reaching your real estate goals for 2023. Remember to keep it fun and build on successes: there is no right or wrong way to do this! The most important thing is that you are taking action towards your goals every day.

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